Problems encountered while working on this project:
Shiny not loading to html, 6: Library not loaded: yosemite x11 was not installed so reinstalled xll from
Plots not displaying only its html showing: Added {r results=‘asis’, tidy=TRUE}
Launching plots from R markdown didn’t display the plots: had to: 1) print graph in its own chunk 2) and launch from a local server
Error in gvisCheckMotionChartData: The data must have rows with unique combinations of idvar and timevar – there were duplicates: Added this line - d[ !duplicated(d), ]
pandoc: Could not fetch FailedConnectionException2 “” 443 True getAddrInfo: does not exist (nodename nor servname provided, or not known) Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 67 Execution halted Had to reboot my computer
Error in testTimevar(x[[options\(data\)timevar]], options\(data\)date.format) : The timevar has to be of numeric or Date format. Currently it is character solution: NA ?
Animation part of googlevis plot disappeared when D3 was put in. sum - not meaningful for factors converted weapontype to int
Pie chart did not render - had to center and then print the plot: Added print(pie1, “chart”) instead of plot(pie1)
Can’t suppress this warning: Warning: package ‘ggplot2’ was built under R version 3.1.3 suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(library(ggplot2))) did not work. Could not find solution, except to reinstall the latest version of these libraries.
Once Shiny was installed, the R programs didn’t run normally. They opened up Shiny screens: Clicking on x next to the shiny package finally stopped this issue.