
Is there disparity?. Our data collected indicated that the gap between Blacks and Whites is not as big as we thought. On our page 4 of the web site, we saw that 85% of Blacks were granted retroactive sentences, out 7,367; 6,394 were granted.
In our first findings from page 2, we saw that after the year 2010 the number of sentenced Blacks inmates are reduced tremendously as well.

We need to consider some constraints we faced during the course of this investigation; such as the limitation of data available in terms of these facts; As well as the accuracy of it. We will need to continue our research and perhaps get deeper into the logistics of it. For example, other minorities were not considered in the data analysis of our data. Other races play and important part in our findings.
The picture below is from the July 2013 from US sentencing commission report.

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Drug Sentencing Analysis

Retroactive Application Analysis